
'local' beans and local boys

I first visited 'local' at the behest of the owner of the clothing boutique of which I am currently employed after I had a sudden , and surprisingly brutal, panic attack upon my discovery, or lack thereof, of a Starbucks in the immediate area--where was I going to find my mediocre, unreasonably priced cup-of-joe in an area so foreign to me both geographically (living in Morningside Heights) and ideologically (I would not at all describe my wardrobe as trendy. I refuse to spend a billion dollars to look like an Olsen twin ... or a bag lady).

She directed me down the Sullivan between Prince and Houston to a plain storefront with a simple, black, lowercased 'local' on the cement-to-awning glass door. The unexposed brick and white, rectangular table tops didn't shock me, but I found myself at ease in the refuge of the coffee haven with its earthy smells and the quiet hum of the espresso machine. A voice from the back yelled, "Just a sec..." as he finished wrapping up some ham/fig and feta/green pepper sandwiches ($7 each) for two gentlemen typing away at their laptops. I discovered upon reading cleverly placed light pink and green chalkboards that they serve only fair-trade coffee and local (how apropos) baked goods from nearby establishments. The John-Mayer-(who I don't personally find particularly attractive, but whose rugged features still manage to appeal to my double-x chromosomes)-look-alike emerged with a certain boyish charm that was only slightly tainted by his SoHo-hipster attire (I do not care what my cousin Conor says, slippers are NOT an appropriate outdoor shoe choice.)

"I know what you want," he said with mock arrogance. Without a reply from me, we went to work on my beverage, and after a few whirs and whistles from his coffee machinery, presented me with an iced soy chai latte. "It'll blow your mind," he said.

It was totally what I wanted. And you know what? It BLEW MY MIND. (He also told me he only charged me $2 for my $4 drink. It was cute.)

Though they were out of skim milk (hey, it happens), my friend was also equally impressed with her coffee ($2), which she described as "EXCELLENT EXCELLENT." Also excellent was the outrageously tasty zucchini bread ($2.50).

I guess the coffee this side of corporate America comes with a side of flirt. And I'm okay with that.

144 Sullivan St.
A to Spring St/R to Prince

1 comment:

Francesca said...

john mayer look-alike? obviously I am sold.